

Welcome to my blog. Here I discuss my life experiences and the fascinating people I meet along the way. I also document my adventures in writing, reading, and cooking. Hope you have a nice stay!

The Fall of Freddie the Leaf

The Fall of Freddie the Leaf

If you have ever lost someone, had to explain loss to someone, or had to confront your own mortality this book is pure gold. I love, love, love anything written by Leo Buscaglia and this book is no exception. Using a really simple story of the life of a leaf, Buscaglia explains the birth, life, death, and rebirth circle of life in a way that touches the heart, heals the soul, and eases the mind of the tension that confronting any loss can create.

Living at the End of Life: A Hospice Nurse Addresses the Most Common Questions

Living at the End of Life: A Hospice Nurse Addresses the Most Common Questions

The Mercy Papers

The Mercy Papers