

Welcome to my blog. Here I discuss my life experiences and the fascinating people I meet along the way. I also document my adventures in writing, reading, and cooking. Hope you have a nice stay!

Physics of the Impossible: A Scientific Exploration into the World of Phasers, Force Fields, Teleportation, and Time Travel

Physics of the Impossible: A Scientific Exploration into the World of Phasers, Force Fields, Teleportation, and Time Travel

Have you ever wondered about the real possibility of any of the many high tech gadgets and almost magical capabilities that abound in science fiction literature and media? Have you ever fantasized about a Star Trek phaser or matter transfer machine? Do you wonder about AI, faster than light travel, or time travel? Look no further than Michio Kaku’s book covering all the above topics and more. The author is a world renowned Physicist who understands the science (or lack thereof) behind these futuristic technologies. He conveniently categorizes these futuristic technologies into things that can likely will be achieved this century, could possibly become reality in the next thousand years, and unlikely and would take millions of years. The author covers the science behind each of these technologies and, in the third category, explains what technology would require the laws of physics to be vastly different from what we understand currently. It is fun to think about the possibilities and the science that drives Kaku’s thinking. And it is not all purely armchair speculation on his part. The author describes the current state of related or ancillary high tech in the news. This is a great book for science fiction fans who love real science and want to understand what might be possible in the future.  

Seeing Further: The Story of Science, Discovery, and the Genius of the Royal Society

Seeing Further: The Story of Science, Discovery, and the Genius of the Royal Society