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UCSC Found Poem

Gratifying aspects evoke society and
Support meaningful skills that promote
Relationship artists’ career experiences.
Passions campaign for splashing activities, 
Melted compounds, and melted snowpack.

Grocery bills cause oxygen explosions and
Long-term issues on a preeminent and intensive
Immersive system, for a planet of 
Legendary hands-on limestone snakes
Demonstrating strong ties to photobombing.

The device squad is shooting gas;
Glowing, picked ticket-taker dramas.
Grey drugs reform basketball, garnered and
laced with subjugation, they participate in
Innovation of organic sustainable teams focused

On life-long conspiracy tousling.
Dreams of opera giants with website insights,
Socializing challenges, and prayers for the 
Driest surface state, usually voluntary and
Devastatingly vivid coils, dials, and osmosis drinks.
Shrinks in most cities at crisis time,
reclaimed forces for plants and agreements to
Dry sciences. Toilets inevitably continued to decline.
Bumper crop shortfalls caused students of icing to
Roll asphalt reductions and aquifers.

Recharge and pursue multiple challenges so
Surfboards and trapper tacticians can fuel
Mind-blowing vertebrates shipwrecked in a 
Chain-reaction using cruel gut deaths. Meanwhile,
Videos protect deck pine and the cloven-hooved.

Laborers to snapdragon nests and pupils
flicked beneficiaries of homes in
Kindness when blackboards with senior guys 
Got together with frog sleeves and ripple impact 
Trained connections and warm satisfaction glue.

Quixotic, reconnected historians and dilettantes
Hope for the timeline guitar and a little cannabis.
Punctured novels credit computers with pursuit of
collaborator arts, live, unmistakable crafts that write
Beach songs of reason, apathy, and freaking dance jobs.